GSNZ Community Events

Filtering by: “Parents and Guardians”

Taranaki Schools Exhibition

Taranaki Schools Exhibition

Taranaki Schools Exhibition Opening Night

Community Middle School learners showcasing work

Venue The Collaboration - 83 Devon Street East, New Plymouth

Time 5pm - 7.30pm


This year Green School NZ will be a part of the annual Taranaki Schools Exhibition at The Collaboration. Green School NZ will showcase 5 Middle and High School students' outstanding artworks made this year. 

The learners exhibiting are Y8 Bonnie Newland, Y7 Ethan Coster, Y12 Richie Helm, Y10 Ava Gaddum and Y11 Charlie Henderson. We would love for our GS Community, friends and families to join us to give support to this group of learners at the opening of this special event.

Gallery Hours: Monday Closed, Tuesday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm, Saturday - Sunday 10am - 3.00pm
This exhibition will run for 4 weeks.

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Rites of Passage Lived Experience

Rites of Passage Lived Experience

Rites of Passage Lived Experience

Community Year 7-9 Learners first followed by full school community

Venue River classroom, Fern Whare, the Awa

Time 9am - 3pm


9am - 12:00pm Lived Experiences Circles

Community Y7-9 Learners Girls

Location River Classroom

Lived experience Mums

  • Moonflow/Menstruation, Moon Flow/menstruation experiences - Power of your period!

  • Moon Kete (crafts and items to support us on our moon flow)

  • Girls Minds Matter Guest Speaker / Ange

9am - 12:00pm Lived Experiences Circles

Community Y7-9 Learners Boys

Location Fern Whare

Lived experience Dads

  • Wakatauki - Wisdom. Knowledge.

  • Tama and tane fire circle sharing. Smudge - Sharing stories. Set the scene. Focus question - What was a huge challenge for you growing up? Who helped you through it and what did you learn?

  • As they leave the closing space each tama/boy gifts rock taonga & word

12pm - 12:30 Lived experience of Rainbow Community

Community Y7-9 Learners

Location Fern Whare

  • Rainbow group - Inside Out - Deep sharing - Opening space to share experiences - fears - journey - Floating my Fears away

1:30pm - 3pm Final Ceremony

Community Full School

Location The Awa

  • Haka

  • Taonga/gift exchange - moon kete for Y7s

  • Karakia to close

Note If you are unable to attend the whole afternoon please meet at the Awa at 2pm for the closing ceremony celebrations.

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Rites of Passage Opening Ceremony

Rites of Passage Opening Ceremony

Rites of Passage Opening Ceremony & Day 1

Community Year 7-9 Learners and Year 7-9 Parents / Guardians

Venue Fern Whare, please leave bags in the river classroom

Time 6:30pm


9am Programme introduction

  • Parent or guardian to share a childhood game they use to play as a child

10.30am Morning tea

  • Shared morning tea together - Up in river classroom

11am - 12:30 Year 7-9 learners Callenges

  • Taha Tinana/Physical Challenge Wero/Challenge

  • Mental and spiritual Wero/challenge

1:30pm - 2pm Perspectives

  • Cultural Perspective on Rites of Passage

2pm - 3pm

3:30pm Year 9 Solo

  • Year 9 learners to meet at the Awa for a briefing on the 5 hour solo experience

8:30pm - Finish

  • Y9 Learners head home (pick up)

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Sunday Soup - Father’s Day Session

Sunday Soup - Father’s Day Session

Sunday Soup - Father’s Day Session

Community Full school community - voluntary attendance

Venue Bridge

Time 4pm - 6.30pm

Join the community for a winter warmer Sunday Soup every Sunday this August at the Bridge. If it’s a hit, this cosy gathering will become a regular on the GSNZ community calendar.

3rd September will be a Father's Day Soup Session in the Bridge. There will be 2 flavours of warm, nourishing goodness as well as some sweet background tunes to celebrate all this GSNZ Father's Day.

Please do come along and share the vibes.
The Bridge will be open from 4pm till dark so bring the family and make some new friends.

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Plant Based Pot Luck

Plant Based Pot Luck

Plan Based Pot Luck

Community Families

Venue Kitty’s

Time TBC

Anna and Steve hosted the first of the fortnightly plant-based potluck dinner at their place last weekend and it was loads of fun.

Kitty is hosting the second one on Saturday, September 2. If you are keen to attend this dinner or any future ones please reach out to Steve, Anna or Kitty and they will add you to that chat for further details.

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Community Yoga

Community Yoga

Community Yoga

Community Parents, Guardians and GSNZ Staff

Venue Waka Ora

Time 3.30 - 4.30

Yoga is a practice that connects the body, breath, and mind. It uses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall health. Yoga was developed as a spiritual practice thousands of years ago. Nowadays people also take part in yoga for exercise or to reduce stress.

Join Bhavani for an hour of Gentle Yoga. Anyone and all are welcome.

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Family Stories

Family Stories

Family Stories / Testomonies

Community Parents and Guardians - voluntary attendance

Venue Bridge

Time 8-30am-10am

Over the last few weeks Green School NZ parents and guardians have been supporting the GSNZ team share the GSNZ experience with the wider community and the rest of the world! Your incredible testimonies have received warm responses from those who have viewed them and we wish to invite parents and guardians who missed out during the first few shoots a chance to also share their experience of GSNZ.

Join us this Wednesday as Liv comes by to capture more stories. Any and all are welcome.

Check out the GSNZ community testimonies here. And an example below for an idea of what a testimonial can look like.

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