Outdoor Education & Camp
Nature, and our positive sustainability goals, are at the centre of all Green School New Zealand learnings. The majority of our time is spent outdoors, gathering inspiration, recourses or embedding our days activity within our natural surroundings.
The Primary School Hikoi experience builds on and supports the Taiao Rumaki/Nature Day Immersion experiences already embedded within the learners weekly rhythm. The Middle School Hikoi experience takes shape both on and off campus. We create environments for learners featuring challenges allowing them to practise and demonstrate their Green School New Zealand Licence-based outdoor skills. High Schoolers journey into the outdoors with a focus on the Leave No Trace principles. Learners consider risks (like weather), planning and navigation.
During onsite camps learners spend a night at Green School New Zealand (bonding with peers, sleeping in tents and cooking some food on a cooker or over a fire). Whilst at offsite amps learners spend two nights on the edge of the the bushline in a forest park Lodge and complete day trips exploring the local flora and fauna. Both of these experiences support learners connections to their peer group and nature, whilst also providing a chance to hone their leadership skills.
Matua Damian, Outdoor Educator
Outdoor Education Team
Outdoor Education Programme
Our Outdoor Education and Hikoi learning is guided by sustainability practises and the notion that the learner is able to determine their own limits and sets their challenge boundaries accordingly, with the guidance of skilled and certified teachers. Whilst we encourage growth and development, the learner sets the pace of their outdoor experience whilst we provide the environment and challenges.
Primary School
The Primary School Hikoi experience builds on and supports the ‘Nature Day’ experiences already embedded within the learners weekly rhythm. We create settings and challenges for learners to practise and demonstrate their Green School New Zealand Licence-based outdoor skills both on and off site. We regularly utilise the wider campus, Oakura River in addition to local reserves (Ratapihipihi, Mangamahoe and Lake Rotokare).
Primary School Example - Day walk on a track in the Kaitakes.
Middle School
The Middle School Hikoi experience takes shape both on and off campus. We create environments for learners featuring challenges allowing them to practise and demonstrate their Green School New Zealand Licence-based outdoor skills. We link our Hikoi experience to service in outdoor environments, considering sustainability practises, whilst also allowing space for the learners to discover more about who they are. An example of one place we frequent is Rotokare Reserve, which is great for tramping, camping, kayaking and solo adventure.
Middle School Example - Navigational experiences in the Kaitakes.
High School
High Schoolers journey into the outdoors with a focus on the Leave No Trace principles. Learners consider risks (like weather), planning, navigation. Adventures go beyond the Taranaki region into the central north island underground, through virgin forests, meandering rivers and lakes. Alongside these experiences the HS learners have the opportunity to progress through the Duke of Edinburgh Award; developing positive habits, skill development, and a sense of adventure.
High School Example - Overnight off-track experiences in the Kaitake ranges, Pouakai ranges and Maunga Taranaki.
Below are some examples of the excursions taken by GSNZ learners.
Solitude (Year 9)
Learners develop an appreciation of self reflection and review through a solo experience - self reliance, supporting transitioning through adolescence
Learners explore a limestone cave system near Awakino Gorge; while underground they navigate their way through various passages. One of the focuses is recogninsing human impacts and participating in some cave restoration of speleothems.
Timber trail
Learners explore parts of the Pureora Forset Park in the Central North Island. Some choose to Mountain Bike and others choose to tramp/hike. One of the focuses of the journey is to see the historical impacts of humans on a Podocarp Forest Park by following a similar route that earlier settlers cut through the virgin stands of Native Trees; like Totara and Rimu. This was also used as a qualifing journey for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.
Warricks Traverse
After a night in an Alpine Lodge Learners traverse Warwick’s Castle (the distinctive crescent-shaped formation on the east profile of mount taranaki as seen from New Plymouth) - scramble, climb, and decend across the spine of the rocky crag, before descending back down through the native forest. During this Alpine experience above the bush line - the learners consider the environmental impacts on the the fragile environment for flora while tramping and climbing above 1500m.
We assess the Hikoi and Outdoor Education experiences in collaboration with our learners. We consider their individual goals, challenges and experience of growth.
During all GSNZ outdoor adventures we apply the following principles and goals to the learner experience.
Leave it Better Than You Find It
Connecting with Nature
Developing skills
Building confidence
Challenge by Choice and Challenge of Choice
“It’s a joy to see the learners' appreciation, understanding care and respect for outdoor environments grow through participation in adventures in the forest, rivers, lakes and ocean.”
GSNZ 2023 Camps
Green School NZ camps are a major draw card for many students considering joining GSNZ. The amount of camps a student participates in whilst here is as impressive as the camps themselves. We are a school and a community of challenge seekers that thrive on outdoor adventures whilst immersed in nature, so we camp well and we camp often!
The GSNZ excursion to Rotokare Reserve sees learners take on tramping, kayaking and other activities.
The GSNZ excursion to Konini Lodge sees learners hike the Dawson Falls, visit the Wilkies Pools and other activities.
The GSNZ excursion to Whangatehu, a marine reserve, sees learners enjoy snorkelling, a Kiwi night walk and other activities.
The GSNZ trip to Piwakawaka Hut allows learners to practise their camp craft and navigation skills during tramping excursions featuring glow worms.
The GSNZ trip to Kaitake Ranges sees learners take on a full day hike to summit the Patuha peak.