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Rites of Passage Opening Ceremony & Day 1
Community Year 7-9 Learners and Year 7-9 Parents / Guardians
Venue Fern Whare, please leave bags in the river classroom
Time 6:30pm
9am Programme introduction
Parent or guardian to share a childhood game they use to play as a child
10.30am Morning tea
Shared morning tea together - Up in river classroom
11am - 12:30 Year 7-9 learners Callenges
Taha Tinana/Physical Challenge Wero/Challenge
Mental and spiritual Wero/challenge
1:30pm - 2pm Perspectives
Cultural Perspective on Rites of Passage
2pm - 3pm
3:30pm Year 9 Solo
Year 9 learners to meet at the Awa for a briefing on the 5 hour solo experience
8:30pm - Finish
Y9 Learners head home (pick up)