Rites of Passage Lived Experience
Community Year 7-9 Learners first followed by full school community
Venue River classroom, Fern Whare, the Awa
Time 9am - 3pm
9am - 12:00pm Lived Experiences Circles
Community Y7-9 Learners Girls
Location River Classroom
Lived experience Mums
Moonflow/Menstruation, Moon Flow/menstruation experiences - Power of your period!
Moon Kete (crafts and items to support us on our moon flow)
Girls Minds Matter Guest Speaker / Ange
9am - 12:00pm Lived Experiences Circles
Community Y7-9 Learners Boys
Location Fern Whare
Lived experience Dads
Wakatauki - Wisdom. Knowledge.
Tama and tane fire circle sharing. Smudge - Sharing stories. Set the scene. Focus question - What was a huge challenge for you growing up? Who helped you through it and what did you learn?
As they leave the closing space each tama/boy gifts rock taonga & word
12pm - 12:30 Lived experience of Rainbow Community
Community Y7-9 Learners
Location Fern Whare
Rainbow group - Inside Out - Deep sharing - Opening space to share experiences - fears - journey - Floating my Fears away
1:30pm - 3pm Final Ceremony
Community Full School
Location The Awa
Taonga/gift exchange - moon kete for Y7s
Karakia to close
Note If you are unable to attend the whole afternoon please meet at the Awa at 2pm for the closing ceremony celebrations.