Puanga Festival Details
Community Parents and Guardians - voluntary attendance
Venue Meet initially at the Bridge
Time Thursday 4th July at 9.30am:
The Puanga Festival is a long day of celebration, please partake for as long as you and your family find comfortable.Kapa Haka Group
Thursday 3rd July (Learners)
Primary ākonga/learners to help with hangi preparation.
Year 10-11(some Y12-13) preparing hangi pit and kai/food - sleep over
Friday 4th July
High School lights fire and prepares hangi baskets
8:00am - 8:45am
Kai/food to be lowered into the hole and covered
9:00am - 10:40am
Puanga Rotations in HAPU (parents/guardians/visitors are welcome to stay come back for celebrations).
Parent offering depending on weather TBC
11:00am - 12:30pm
Stars in Our Eyes Showcase in Waka Ora - Invitation to all - parents/guardians to participate.
12:30pm - 1pm
Hangi is being lifted
Karakia mo te kai - Shared community hangi lunch
2pm - 3pm
Community clean up. We welcome participation from everyone within the Green School community.
* Hangi leftovers will be given to local pataka in Marfell and Bell Block. Whaea Di will put together meal packs, volunteer helpers welcome.
* BYO water bottles.
Hāngī Preparation & Community Contribution
We ask that whānau/families bring donations of vegetables and meat for the hāngī on the following dates to The Bridge. We encourage organic or locally sourced food where possible. We are excited about harvesting our own pumpkin this year!
Middle & High School - Bag of potatoes
Primary - Bag of kumara
Frybread & Stuffing mix ingredients
High School - Mixed herbs and bag of onions
Middle School - A loaf of bread and bag of flour
Primary - Butter
Please put in the freezer in The Bridge or bring in on Meats
High school - Beef or mutton
Middle School - Whole chicken
Primary - Pork or lamb