Learning Neighbourhoods


Green School New Zealand impacts families in various ways, from life-changing to life-affirming. Hear what our community wishes to share with the rest of the world about the Green School experience here in Taranaki.

Family Stories

  • "It is the children who will change their parents' minds about the problems of poverty, unsustainable lifestyles and the human population. They are changing it right here and now. Right here at Green School!”


  • "I think the kids are so lucky because they have a lifetime to work to change this trajectory built in ignorance into something that is positive, built not just on hope, but on action, really maintaining this blue gem of the planet into an enduring place for all of us.”


  • "As a secretary general united nation I've been traveling many countries and I've been meeting many different people, I have been visiting many different places and many schools but Green School is the most unique and impressive school I have ever visited."

    - BAN KI OON


To thrive in a world that’s changing exponentially, we need education to inspire students to innovate, find purpose, love learning, and make an impact now.

Towards An Education Revolution

Partners In Education

Green School New Zealand has the honour of receiving world renowned education guidance and support, helping shape the GSNZ curriculum and craft the Green School experience here in Taranaki, New Zealand.

  • New Zealand Qualifications Authority ensures that New Zealand qualifications are recognised and respected, here and overseas, and that qualifications and credentials meet the needs of learners in the changing world.

    Read more here.

  • NEASC - New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

    NEASC Accreditation is a respected, effective, and time-tested methodology for school improvement and growth. It is not a single event, but rather an ongoing, voluntary cycle of comprehensive internal and external assessments, short- and long-term strategic planning, and periodic reporting sustained by professional partnership and support. It is intended to serve as a framework for schools to meet their own unique goals for student learning while maintaining alignment with research-based Standards for Accreditation that define the characteristics of high quality, effective learning communities. It also serves to assess the systems in place for ongoing institutional self-reflection and a school’s commitment to and capacity for continuous growth and/or transformation.

    Read more here.

  • Education in Motion are global leaders in pioneering education for a sustainable future. EiM’s mission is to create meaningful change for the world by empowering communities through innovative education.

    EiM supports a growing family of premier education brands, including Green School International Schools.

    More on EiM here.

  • Please see details on our Advisory Board here.


Green School NZ Graduates

Green School New Zealand is the first High School in New Zealand where our learners can graduate with a New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways (Level 3) and (Level 4). This NZQA accredited certificate will be woven together within the holistic aspects of our GSNZ High School Diploma and each learner's individual achievements, critical skills and knowledge will be showcased within an online Mastery Transcript . As a NEASC-accredited school, our High School Diploma is recognised globally. It can also be combined with an SAT score; first year papers from NZ universities; or additional in depth studies in areas of passion such as higher level physics, maths or arts should these align with a learner’s pathway. 

  • "One of my favourite things is how the whole community is invited to come to assembly at the end of each week to celebrate the learning and sing together!"

    - CLODAGH 2023

  • "The support team at Green School New Zealand made our transition to New Zealand and to the school as smooth as possible. It was all new to us, but it was great to be sharing the experience with other new families and to finally be here!"

    - PARENT 2022

  • "GSNZ gets so much right: small classes with individualized instruction, time for unstructured creative play, nature-based as well as indoor education, lived shared values…we love our experience here!"

    - PARENT 2023

  • "Kua whakatauira te Kura Kākāriki ki ngā āhuatanga kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga me te whanaungatanga"

    - PUNA TE AROHA 2023

  • "The Green School philosophies are always on display in action. Every day, our children are shown what it means to be a kind, productive, and creative human"

    - SARAH 2023

  • "I love the personalised, holistic and nurturing approach to education, using real life experiences to create impact, while having fun. My kids are thriving and excelling!"

    - SHAWNA 2023

  • "Since opening, GSNZ has consistently delivered beyond our expectations"

    - KOJI 2023

  • "Coming to GSNZ has been the best educational decision we have made for our son and by extension, the best decision we have made for our family as a whole"

    - LUKE & EMMA 2023

  • "Was it worth moving our family across the world to come to this school? – Absolutely"


  • "We love GSNZ’s focus on outdoor education and environmental sustainability. It permeates everything they do"

    - EMILY 2023

  • "The Green School NZ campus is extraordinarily beautiful and the staff are welcoming and supportive"

    - SAM 2023

  • "Nature Day every week on a Wednesday, no matter what the weather, is a dream come true for our son"

    - RACHEL 2023

  • "The skills our son is learning at GSNZ are not on offer at any other school we have come across"

    - SAM 2023

  • "We love that Green School always asks ‘is there a better way?’"

    - DAN & DANA 2023


Our community of learners allows us all to learn, collaborate and connect globally and locally – from our students and teachers, to our parents and local neighbourhood.

It Takes A Village To
Change The World


We are on a mission to educate changemakers for a positive sustainable world. Hear what our community has to share and what the world has to say about our community.

  • Green School NZ Wins 'Western Architecture Award'.

    The Kina form is celebrated with an organic, circular shape to create a safe and nurturing learning environment, with classrooms all opening to a shared central play space.

    Read more here.

    Green School NZ Wins 2020 Western Architecture Award.

    An extremely tight programme drove an extraordinary collaborative effort between client, architect, structural engineer and the local construction industry.

    Read more here.

  • Green School New Zealand receives NEASC Accreditation.

    Read more here.

  • Green School NZ receives the Taranaki regional Council Sustainable Education Award for empowering students to take action to build a sustainable community and take action to protect and restore the environment.

    Read more here.

  • Green School NZ saw three first place awards in a national art competition which will contribute to a book and be presented at an international climate change conference.

    Green School NZ had students from years one to nine win first place at the Aotearoa national 'Our Papatūānuku' competition.

    Students from around the country entered projects in poetry, graphic art, illustration and mixed media categories representing their care and concerns for the Earth.

    Kyan Hoskin, Evie Sellen and Nina Roorda-Vianna all received first place in their divisions and were three out of nine students from Green School NZ to place.

    Read more here.

  • GSNZ recently celebrated Puanga Festival on campus with our wider community.

    Read more here.


Our award-winning campus, nestled in Taranaki between Taranaki Maunga and the Tasman Sea, is a model for sustainability and a centre for experimentation, innovation and solutions.

A Curved-Walls, Healthy, Safe, Nature Immersed Campus


The Green School campus features some of the worlds most stunning education landscapes, architecture fit for another planet and students both gifted and hardworking. During our short tenure we have amassed a collection of awards recognising the mahi and aroha that has gone into creating and embodying our one-of-a-kind school.

  • Green School New Zealand middle schooler’s recently won big at the local WITT Science Fair Awards.

    Read more here.

  • Green School NZ Kina, was awarded the top timber design award at the NZ Timber Design Awards. These Awards recognise and celebrate the engineers, architects, architectural designers and builders who push boundaries and continue to champion nature’s greatest renewable building material, timber.

    Read about it here!

  • Green School New Zealand Outdoor Educator Matua Damian Firth is the recipient of the Service To Education Outside The Classroom Award, by the Independent Schools of New Zealand.

    The ISNZ Honours Awards were established to honour exceptional staff who demonstrate talent service and commitment to independent schooling that is truely above and beyond what might be expected.

    Matua Damian will be recognised during the opening ceremony of the 2023 ISNZ Annual Conference, by the Minister of Education, Hon Jan Tinetti.

  • Green School NZ has had the honour of winning big - twice, at the Western Architecture Awards.

    Read more here.

  • Green School NZ saw three first place awards in a National Art Competition which will contribute to a book and be presented at an international climate change conference.

    Green School NZ had students from years one to nine win first place at the Aotearoa national 'Our Papatūānuku' competition.

    Students from around the country entered projects in poetry, graphic art, illustration and mixed media categories representing their care and concerns for the Earth.

    Kyan Hoskin, Evie Sellen and Nina Roorda-Vianna all received first place in their divisions and were three out of nine students from Green School NZ to place.

    Read more here.

  • Taranaki regional Council has Awarded Green School NZ in a 'Sustainable 2022 Education Award' for empowering students to take action to build a sustainable community and take action to protect and restore the environment.

    Read more here.