Embrace the Wild: Why Nature Needs You to Step Up
We all know spending time in nature is good for the soul, right? A quick stroll in the forest, a picnic by the beach, or hiking to that Insta-worthy summit—it’s all great. But here’s the truth bomb: nature doesn’t just need you to chill in it; it needs you to rise up, lean in, and be challenged by it.
That’s where places like the Green School New Zealand come in. This isn’t your average “hug-a-tree” vibe. It’s a call to action. A place where students don’t just learn about sustainability—they live it. And that’s the energy we all need to channel right now.
*Learn more below about Green School New Zealand, or it’s journey here. Hear from Sal here on Toddle Podcast or here on The Learning Future Podcast or a chat with India Future School Leaders and finally Educators.
Why Nature Challenges Matter….
When was the last time you felt genuinely tested by the outdoors? Not just “oops, forgot the bug spray,” but really tested. Climbing a peak that pushed your limits. Camping off-grid with nothing but your wits (and a pocketknife) to get by. Those moments don’t just build grit; they deepen your connection to the natural world.
Here’s the kicker: when you feel that connection, you’re way more likely to protect it. Nature isn’t just a backdrop for your next adventure—it’s a complex system that needs us to wake up, show up, and take responsibility for its survival.
Lessons from Green School NZ ….
At Green School NZ, they’re flipping the script on traditional education. Sure, Mathematics and Science are part of the deal, but they’re taught through hands-on, heart-in approaches. Students plant gardens, manage ecosystems, and tackle real-world environmental challenges—all while learning to be leaders who actually walk the talk.
The result? They’re not just learning about climate change or deforestation. They’re actively solving problems, leading projects, and inspiring the rest of us to do better.
Take Responsibility—Here’s How ….
You don’t have to enroll in a Green School to get involved. Start with these three simple steps:
1. Seek Discomfort: Trade your cozy couch for a wild adventure. Push yourself physically and mentally in the outdoors. Whether it's kayaking in a choppy river or planting trees on a scorching day, let nature challenge you.
2. Learn and Lead: Educate yourself about the local environment. What are the pressing issues in your region? Deforestation? Plastic waste? Water quality? Once you know, start doing something about it.
3. Be the Change: Small shifts add up. Swap single-use plastics for reusables. Get your community involved in a cleanup. Advocate for greener policies at work or school.
The Big Picture …
The planet isn’t waiting for us to “feel ready” to step up. Every forest, ocean, and mountain is quietly (and sometimes loudly) asking for our help. And the more we immerse ourselves in the wild - not just to enjoy it, but to understand and protect it - the better equipped we are to make real change.
So next time you lace up your boots, don’t just aim for the views. Take on the responsibility that comes with them. After all, if a bunch of Green School students can take on the world, so can you. Challenge accepted?
Learn more about Green School, New Zealand, Aotearoa:
Green School’s mission is to create a global community of learners, making our world sustainable.
From our origins at Green School Bali, we have become a global movement in education, with schools opening in New Zealand and South Africa. Our ‘living’ curriculum educates for sustainability through community-integrated, entrepreneurial learning, in wall-less and nature-immersed environment.
We strive to champion a new model of education that nurtures the whole child, giving them agency in their own lives and learning, so that they can thrive with purpose in our ever-changing world. We invite you to join our global community and discover the difference for your family.
The global Green School movement first began with the opening of Green School Bali in 2008 by life-long entrepreneurs, John and Cynthia Hardy. After years of homeschooling, they wanted their daughters to attend a school that they believed in. Green School New Zealand, Founders the Perretts have a similar story, with their three children and since have become beacons for the future of education, with a growing community of Green School locations around the world.
Education. Green School New Zealand has a progressive focus towards the inclusion of te reo Māori in its curriculum. The use of reo is naturally incorporated into classroom learning, meetings, school signage, kōrero (talking) at break times, during sports and extra-curricular activities. It has been said that Green School is not only a place where Māori culture is seen and heard, but is felt.
Community & the Land The Green School community is one that honours and takes guidance from many elements of tikanga Māori (practices and values). From traditional pōwhiri and mihi whakatau ceremonies to welcome new families and visitors, to annual celebrations of Puanga and Parihaka Day, these practices are respectfully honoured as a way to acknowledge those who came before us, enhance community connections, and provide fulfilling experiences that broaden our knowledge of tikanga Māori.