2023 LEAD Youth Conference

August 11, 2023

A bringing together of young minds

As the echoes of laughter, camaraderie, and inspiring conversations still linger in the air, I find myself reflecting on an unforgettable journey of hosting a vibrant and impactful Youth Leadership Conference held here in the beautiful province of Taranaki. Bringing together young minds from all corners of the nation, this event transcended its role as a mere conference and evolved into a transformative experience that ignited the flames of leadership within each participant. In this reflection, I aim to encapsulate the essence of this event and the profound impact it had on both the attendees and myself.

Setting the Stage

Months of meticulous planning and endless brainstorming with a group of passionate educators, whom volunteered their time and energy culminated in the creation of a dynamic event that would provide the perfect platform for aspiring young leaders to learn, grow, and connect. The chosen theme, "RISE UP," served as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards personal growth, empowerment, and collaboration.

The Speakers: A Tapestry of Inspiration

A conference's soul lies within its speakers, and ours formed a tapestry of diverse experiences and expertise. From accomplished entrepreneurs and visionary artists to seasoned activists and influential motivators, each speaker wove their unique stories into a symphony of inspiration. As I looked out into the sea of engaged faces, I couldn't help but feel humbled by the sheer power of human resilience and the capacity to turn adversity into opportunity.

Empowerment Through Workshops

The reflection journals throughout the speaker workshops provided participants with an interactive platform to delve deeper into leadership concepts and hone their skills. Facilitated by experts, these sessions encouraged discussions, and action oriented planning. Witnessing the energy and enthusiasm with which attendees embraced the day was a testament to their hunger for growth and their desire to make a tangible impact in their communities.

Forging Connections: Bonds Beyond Borders

One of the most beautiful aspects of hosting a national conference is the intermingling of cultures, ideas, and dreams. Participants from different backgrounds found common ground in their shared passion for leadership and change. New friendships blossomed, and networks were expanded, reminding us all that the power to create positive change knows no geographic boundaries.

Impact and Transformation

As the final day of the conference approached, I couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that had occurred in just a few days. Shy participants had blossomed into confident speakers, introverts had become adept at networking, and dreams had evolved into actionable plans. The conference had not only equipped them with skills and knowledge but had also kindled a fire within them—a fire that burned with the desire to lead, inspire, and uplift.

Personal Growth as a Host

While the conference was undeniably an epic experience for the attendees, it was equally transformative for me as a host. The privilege of being a part of their journeys, witnessing their growth, and contributing to their learning was an honour beyond words. Seeing over 600 youth come together in one space to be celebrated was well worth the time and energy spent at pulling this together. The process taught me about adaptability, hope, and the profound impact an event like this can have on individuals' and those individuals will be our future change-makers!

Leadership Learnings

As I sit back and reflect on the whirlwind of emotions, memories, and lessons that this Youth Leadership Conference brought forth, I am reminded of the immense power we hold within ourselves to inspire change. The event wasn't just about leadership stories and strategies; it was about igniting the spark of potential within each participant and guiding them towards a future where their voices, actions, and dreams could shape the world. Hosting this conference was a reminder that true leadership isn't just about holding a position—it's about the ability to influence, inspire, and create ripples of positive change. And as I bid farewell to this chapter for 2023, I do so with a heart full of gratitude, knowing that the flames of leadership ignited here will continue to burn brightly in the hearts of these young leaders as they embark on their own transformative journeys.

Whaea Di, Head of Learner Experience and Wellbeing